Sunday, March 14, 2010


Academic: (bleh)
1. ROTC formal briefing presentation
2. organize/rewrite chem notes
3. STS paper 2 rewrite
4. organize math notes (um, need a binder)
5. study physics - practice tests
6. start 5.35 lab report

1. eat at Flour
2. go to garment district
3. go to buffalo exchange
4. go to anthropologie and the rest of newbury/boylston ave. and barnes and noble
5. make trash bag dress for APO SFF (aack excited!)
6. plan SFF!
7. alice in wonderland tea party and movie sesh
8. buy running shoes

9. buy a pair of heels?

1. something with poppy seeds
2. red bean buns
3. asian sponge cake
4. 包子
5. 葱油饼
6. yeast pizza dough
7. spinach gnocci
8. sesame seed balls with red bean
9. macarons?

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