Tuesday, August 27, 2013

s'mores party

My high school friends and I do s'mores at least once a break.   They're usually just your average s'mores, made over a bunsen burner (so nerdy!), a bonfire at the beach, or the fire pit in my parent's backyard.  This time, though, I wanted to make it a little more exciting.

Coincidentally, the The Kitchn just had a post on a backyard s'mores party.  I made invitations, copied their toppings suggestions (minus the savory ones), decorated some skewers, brought out candles, and had a party.
the toppings table + candles

It turned out pretty awesome.  Next time, I'll include some homemade marshmallows, and maybe these s'mores brownies.

S'mores Shopping List:
honey graham crackers
jumbo marshmallows
peanut butter
lemon curd (Trader Joe's)
caramel sauce (also Trader Joe's)
apricot jam
Ghirardelli chocolate (mint, dark, milk, white)
chocolate chip cookies
mini m&m cookies

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